Purple Field

Maybe “field” is too much credit – this is actually a vacant lot I pass by on the way to work every day that is covered with the little purple flowers.  I rode my bike down the huge hill (whee!) to get these, then back up (boo! I’m outta shape!)

So I Met a Photogenic Preying Mantis….

And he was like, hey, what’s up?So we hung out and became buds…Well, he hung out and I took an inordinate number of pictures

…but isn’t he awesome!?

Missouri Botanical Gardens

Went to the botanical gardens and brought along the Minolta SRT-101.  It was a blast, but I somewhat wish I’d brought a roll of color film.  I love shooting black and white and printing at home, but in a garden, I found myself (primarily) focusing on everything but flowers.


Before the unrelenting heat wave that has become summer in St. Louis, we had a beautiful garden.  At least we still have the pictures!